2005-04-20 - 8:04 p.m.

News of a dubious degree of greatness

So what's the super great news today?
I found a cigarette on the ground- an unsmoked one! And I smoked it!

No, that's not important. In fact, it represents a new low for me. Hope it wasn't laced with anything... Then again, I hope it was. I'm on my third consecutive night in the ballpark of three hours of sleep. Possibly less if I was actually awake when I had that vision of the Virgin Mary last night. No- crazy though I am, I know the Virgin was a dream. The funniest thing was that we were sitting at the bus stop and she looked just like a normal lady but I somehow knew who she was. She told me something to the effect of "fuck the church. Why bother?"

Ponder that curious metaphysical happening.

Of course, later in the dream Ryan was there. Ryan always appears in my dreams when he sleeps on my sofa. Okay, it's only happened twice- but still. Also, I don't really have a sofa. I have a broken futon. The most uncomfortable one on earth, perhaps.

So what's my big news of the day? Is it that I am hopelessly and utterly fucked on my German oral exam? No, we knew that already. Is it that I have a big honkin' paper due in Dr. Housfield's class tomorrow and am equally screwed on that? Hmmm, no, that's sort of a given too. Though I would like to say that I actually did well on one of his papers this semester. I just got it back yesterday and was pleased to see a 99 on the front. Hell, I was more than pleased. Then I opened it up. There were no marks. No points taken off. Only one red underlining. On the back page it said "Perfect paper, but MagriTTe has TWO "t"s, not ONE." So yeah, I mentioned Rene Magritte's art 4 times in the paper but only once mistyped his name. Thus I am not perfect. FUCK.

....sorry, I had to pause for a moment to breathe deeply and evenly.
Anyway, you still haven't guessed my big news.
I'll put you out of your suspense:
I got a call.
From someone.
At a place.
Where I applied for a job.

Do you realize what a big deal this is? After 4 months of (admittedly halfassedly) seeking employment, I MAY FINALLY HAVE A FUCKING JOB!?! Bear in mind, it's not a sure thing yet, but it's pretty damn close. Closer than ever before. They're desperate, they want me, all I have to do is call them tomorrow morning and establish that I have a pleasant, charming phone voice (which I do) and then I'll be employed!

Oh, and before you ask why I need to have a pleasant phone voice... yeah- it's telemarketing. I know- vile, soul-less work. Hmmm, so maybe this isn't good news either. To reassure you that it is, let me break down what I will buy when I have actual money again:

The phone company has been threatening to unplug me for a month and a half now. I will give them their 30 bucks so they leave me alone.
2. Food. Real food.
3. Hair dye
4. Renew my diaryland account
5. After the neccesitties? I want an iPod, a ton of beer and a pair of pointlessly extravagant shoes. You know- the usual college-girl shit.

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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