2005-03-22 - 6:39 p.m.

Dead dear and fuckable annoyance.

Last night I saw a deer comit suicide. It got lost. It got scared. It was 5 in the afternoon on campus and there were people everywhere, overloading its little furry little woodland creature circuts. It got spooked and ran onto the walkway on the third story of the Student center. This was possibe due to the hills on campus. Those of you familiar with Texas State know that on one side of the building the third story is at ground level. On the other side, it's three stories up. So the doe ran onto the third story at ground level ran all the way accross and frantically threw herself off the ledge on the other side.

It was bloody, it was scary, it was sad.
I'm still traumatized.
But at the same time, you have to ask yourself: What are the odds of that happening? It's staggeringly unlikely, and as such trippy and weird.

Well, now that I've gotten that depressing story out of the way, I might as well share my quote of the day. This one comes from Schitzo Zach.
Zach says: "You know, Mason says he would totally fuck you."
I make my best quizical face and reply: "I haven't seen him in a year and I thought he hated me anyway."
Zach says: "Oh, he does. He fucking hates your guts. He just thinks you're hot is all. He was saying he wants to fuck you but you would have to not talk because you annoy him when you talk."

Super. Another dude to add to the list of young men who find me annoying but would do me anyway. The sad thing? It's a pretty long list, and it's probably even longer than I know because most boys don't say "God-you're-obnoxious-but-you-have-nice-tits" unless they're stupid or severely inebriated. While most men on this campus fall into at least one if not both of those categories, I'm sure I've not fully aware of how far this sentiment goes.

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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