2005-03-08 - 11:29 p.m.


On the quad today there was a group of very happy girls with coolers.
"Would you like a soda?" One of the cheerful girls asked.
"Ummm...." I replied.
"Oh don't worry! They're totally free!" The girl told me.
So I took a coke out of her cooler and asked why they were giving them away.
"Oh!" She replied "Well we're just a group of commited Christians who want to show the campus that God's love is free, you know, like this soda!"
This filled me with an urge to crack up, but I suppressed it because laughing at people who give you free coke is mean. Instead I thanked the very happy girl and went off, drinking my soda/love of God. It was sugary and fizzy. Yum! God's love!

I've established that I live in the Bible belt, right? Good, otherwise the aforementioned exchange probably makes no sense.

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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