2005-03-08 - 10:20 p.m.

My bank account hates me

Having a typical Emma financial moment...
Check for 2 dollar hairdye was processed by bank when I had 39 cents in my account.
-Twenty dollar overdraft.
Then the 5 dollar check for bowling alley onion rings went through.
-Twenty dollar overdraft.
So now I owe 50 bucks to my bank. This concerns me less- I can get that money from Jason and then pay him back by covering more of our trip expenses on my 50 dollar Visa gift-card. The thing that really, REALLY worries me? My bank sends overdraft statements to MY PARENT'S ADDRESS!!! Why? Because I'm lazy and haven't changed my address. The problem? They want to think I'm a mature, responsible adult. Overdrafts imply otherwise. They get mad, I get in trouble, yadda, yadda, yadda. I get the inevitable talk about how to balance my checkbook (I know how to, I just don't), and the whole thing is unpleasant.
So now the gears are turning in my brain...
How can I either stop that letter from being sent or intercept it if it is? This will require work and sneakiness on my part. However, I just finished almost 5 hours of intensive German studying followed by 2 glasses of wine (you know, to undo any good caused by the studying) so my head is not clear enough for work or sneakiness. All information not related to the past tense of German verbs or White Zinfandel has been erased. This is one of those "I'll care about it tomorrow" things.

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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