2005-02-21 - 11:31 p.m.

Novel and stupid job

Wow, I finally got my first positive feedback on the novel... from a complete stranger no less! All my friends and even Jason are being alarmingly quiet, and since I'm paraniod my assumption it that they didn't like it. As for why I haven't posted the rest of it (As it exists) I've written chapters 1 and 3-7. That fucking transitional number 2 is hard. It's hard because I write each chapter from a different character's perspective. Chapter 2 is one of the ones narrated by Simpson, and if you must know he's the most "me" character in the book. He's perky and outgoing, but (as with any character based on myself) he's bipolar. While I'm used to radical mood swings in my own little world, it's hard to convey them well in writing, so it looks like he's always doing things that are "out of character." I completely deleted my old chapter two a while back and more recently re-wrote one that was more a silly drunken babble. The format works okay though... I think I'll post chapter 2 later tonight. Maybe chapter 3 will be tomorrow. 3 is narrated by August. She's the second most "me" character. She's like the Yin to Simpson's Yang... or is it the other way around?

Oh, and on a non-literary subject, guess where I applied for a job now? That's right- at Aquarena Springs. You know the glass-bottom boats? Well somebody's gotta drive 'em! Does this sound like a horrible idea to you? Join the club! Bets are being placed now on how this will end horribly. In the meantime I just might possess a job stupid enough to be the premise of the next Adam Sandler movie.

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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