2005-02-14 - 8:06 p.m.

sex and secrets

Ugh... one of those days, one of those nights. Took a sedative, not feeling much better. I skipped class for several reasons tonight- one is that I could never in a billion years have been able to concentrate. I'm too buzzy and weird. Another is that I for some misguided reason thought I had a snowball's chance in hell of getting laid tonight. Good God, why was I not born a boy? Then my superefluous testosterone buildup resulting in constant horniness would make SENSE! But no- I am rather a strange girl. Sorta falling apart- need more sedatives. I would be drinking right now but I can't afford it and have no desire to repeat last night's sherry incident. Besides, Jason's here. At first I thought I should be all snuggly with him, but he keeps typing on his laptop. He's very apologetic, and I do forgive him, but he's a workaholic. He loves knowledge even more than I do and that fuels him to read and write incessantly. I understand... I respect that. I'm just getting sorta crazy. I'm being more neurotic than usual and to compound matters I'm still really horny. Jason and I haven't really *ahem* you know in over a month. In my world that's a loooong time. I understand, we don't want me to get pregnant and there's no method that's 100% certain other than abstinence, but he could at least let me do something else... I'm really willing to do anything, But no, I'm sorry, I say too much. Since he's in the room right now I'm reminded that he probably gets nervous that I say this shit to the whole world. I'm online- there are all these people out there knowing what I'm thinking and feeling at any given moment.

Well here, suck this: None of you know me. Not a one. Some of you understand one side of me, but no one gets the whole puzzle. Some of you talk to me about sex and understand me on that. Some of you talk to me about God and understand me on that. Some of you are just silly depressive types. I understand- you're all my friends for different reasons and you all have different ideas and perspectives you grant in my life. But for real, you do not fully get it. None of you do. Despite my incesant talking I do indeed keep secrets. I do have things I've never told. So yeah, fuck you. You don't know everything. I am Emma and I am not an open book. I am not always happy, sad, horny, healthy, whatever you associate with me. I'm more complicated and I'm sick of forced two-dimensionality.

So yeah, deal with it.

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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