2005-02-12 - 1:37 p.m.

my novel sucks

You know my novel? It's not coming along so good because I have writer's block the size of... something really big. Goddammit- I can't even come up with a decent metaphor for how big my writer's block is. Last night I had a dream where I let someone else read it and the response was horrible. I was told it was stupid and had no plot and made no sense. I don't even know who the person telling me this was, but it made me sad.

Speaking of which I feel kinda low again. I've decided I really don't wanna go anywhere today. Unless it's to be with Jason. Good God I miss him so much. I am hurt and weird. Whatever. And I have a nagging sense that I will get nothing done this weekend. Hurrah.

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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