2005-02-01 - 1:01 p.m.

depressed again

Didn't go to class, at lunch with Casey and Denae- that cheered me up but I got depressed again immediately afterwards. So I walked home in the rain instead of taking the bus. I guess the bitter cold was kind of nice- it let me know I was alive-- always a plus. Anyway, now I'm home. I turned off the ringer and have no intention of returning anyone's calls. I don't wanna talk to Cyrus or my mom or anyone. I don't want to talk to Jason because he's in a worse mood than I am.

Of course, it dawns on me that it isn't just the weather, Jason, or the fact that everyone I know is fucking insane that's bringing me down. I realized about an hour ago that I'm due for my stupid period, and if there was ever a premenstural depression poster child it's me. Stupid vagina. Stupid ovaries, stupid uterus, stupid crotch. Actually, no- I like the clitoris. I wanna get rid of everything else down there and keep that.

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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