2005-01-31 - 9:15 a.m.

html is fun

I know, I know, I should be studying for German right now... I was just making an entry here and then surfing other melodramatic young women's diaries to feel better about myself when I stumbled upon the "goth as hell" diaryring. Of course I felt I should join, so I grabbed the link and put it on my diary. Only it looked too evil for my previous blue background, so I got the custom black background from Diaryland, but then I didn't like the font so much. Thus, I called on whatever miniscule HTML knowledge there is dwelling in the back of my scull and made the blue template black. Then I realized that I've been doing this for over half an hour and I really, really need to study. I had a weekend full of distractions- every time I sat down to study someone would IM me. Or I would IM someone... okay, it was kinda my fault. Whatever. The point is, I need to freakin' study. If I don't my brain will atrophy and I will continue to think "freakin'" is an actual word and not euphamistic slang. And look at me, I'm still typing! Must study! Quit reading this! I have to go- but no, a lack of audience won't make me shut up. Damnit.

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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