2005-01-27 - 8:01 p.m.

movie intro to me

Ever imagine the part where you get introduced in the book/movie of your/someone eles's life. I often do. Like this morning.
The scene: An intustrial campusy building on a rainy day in central Texas. You see the rain, the bleak grayness of the day and the building- the camera pans over to a door, which swings open abruptly. A girl with shocking red hair strides out with equally shocking confidence and panache. She's dressed in all black except for a Mother-Mary-blue hooded rain coat. She pulls the hood up over the halo of her hair and, leaning under a miniscule overhang, struggles to light a cigarette.

And it goes on like that. That's one off my billion movie intro scenes that I think out to keep myself from getting too profoundly bored. I do, however, write literary introduction scenes for friends. Here's one I came up with today:

Casey was a reccurent bachelor and a wannabe widdower, but at the end of the day he was still grudgingly engaged to the same woman as the day before.

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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