2005-01-22 - 7:33 p.m.

ebay new keyboard

Just ordered a replacement keyboard from the Apple site. I was trying to find one on e-bay, but you know how that goes. I get all excited when I see the exact keyboard I need (and in hot pink, no less!) for 99 cents, but then there's a 22 dollar shipping and handling charge and it's been used before so who knows if it works, and meanwhile I could just let my brain rest and order a brand new one for 26 bucks, even. So that's what I wound up doing. I don't have that feeling off having conqured something difficult like when I find the right thing on e-bay, but at least I'm getting what I need. The way I see it, e-bay's success is based upon the primal hunter gatherer within us all. E-bay isn't about buying something you want so much as FINDING it. Like when I type in "goth shoes" as a search and 500 matches come back and I wade though all of them hoping for the perfect pair of black platforms. Of course, with my wide feet, I never find that perfect something and eventually give up anyway. Oh, and I don't really have that kind of expendable cash these days.

On an unrelated subject, I'm craving canned peas right now.

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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