2005-01-21 - 8:51 p.m.

cough syrup

Okay, I have a cold. This is not cool. Also, i remember reading an article a while back about there being dangerous interactions between Nyquil and Effexor, so I'm hesitant to take the former since I'm already taking the later. I've been reseraching what I can about this online for the last hour or so, and I've found nothing, but I did discover that one can get high off cough syrup. I mean, I used to hit the robitussin a bit when I was younger- If you'd already had a beer it would interact and be fun. Also, it's high in alcohol, but I didn't know the half of it. Aparently kids are DYING from cough syrup abuse- one (who's obviously not dead) said he had tried PCP and LSD, but nothing made him trip as hard as a bunch of cough syrup. You see, the active ingredient, dextraphamorphine is a hallucinagen. Who the hell knew? I have no intention to put this to the test, but I know that as a fun plot twist in my novel one of the characters will now have a Nyquil abuse problem. I mean, he was already a drug addict, and I was thinking of killing him off with heroin or making him choke on his own vomit, but now that I think of it, I like the idea of a guy who, like the kid I mentioned, has done all the hard shit, but finally is consumed by the cough syrup. I think I have a really sick sense of humor. Oh, and just for the record, as I'm working on the novel I oscilate between the ending where everyone dies and the one where they have a happy sunny picnic. I'm trying to balance it by only letting a couple of them die and having the others walk off into the sunset... Then again, maybe it would be more bitterly ironic if the drug addict charachter was the one to survive... no, no, I think I'll stick with death by cough syrup for him.

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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