2005-01-21 - 8:52 a.m.

manson not dead

Hahaha- I'm listening to a mix tape I made back in high school. I was way more punk-rock back then- way more melodramatic too. I laugh at myself, oh how I laugh. Speaking of one's past self, I may get Jason a Manson shirt for his birthday. He saw Marilyn Manson live 5 times and bought t-shirts every time. He used to be that tall, sulky teen with black-hair hanging out in the foodcourt at Barton Creek mall. Younger me would have fallen in love with younger him in a second. Here's how it would have gone, as set in said mall's Hot Topic.

Me: "Hey, I like your Beautiful People shirt. It's funny and cool."
Him: "I like your lipstick. It's as dark as my hair."
Me: "Aww, you're just sayin' that."
Him: "No, you're cute, but not in a deliberate way- cute in the child-of-darkness way."
Me: "Nahh, you're a REAL child of darkness."
Him: "You really think so? When I left the house this morning I just didn't think I looked enough like death warmed over."
Me: "You should drink and do drugs more. That helps you look dead."
Him: "Drugs make me throw up."
Me: "Really? Me too!"
Him: "No way!"
Me: "Hey, you seem cool. Wanna go mope somewhere together?"
Him: "Do I!? Hell yeah!"

Okay, as you may have surmised that was not a litteral acccount of how it would have gone down, but more me making fun of how we are/were. Jason got rid of all his Manson shirts years ago because he didn't want to be "that goth in the foodcourt" anymore. Can't say I blame him- that character quickly gets played out and being miserable forever requires UNGODLY amounts of effort. I decided something similar a while back, but as I told Jason, that doesn't mean he has to quit being who he is. He can be smart, scholarly, engaging and funny without hiding that he thinks Manson kicks ass. I should make him a shirt that says "Unashamed Manson Fan." It would be funny.

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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