2005-01-13 - 6:38 p.m.

friends killing themselves

You want to know the most fucked up thing ever? I suddenly feel like the most sane person among my friends. I'm suddenly the one saying "No one is out to get you," or "maybe suicide is a bit rash."

Wait- this began to happen years ago... well, it's truly blossomed tonight. I'm scared for the lives of loved ones, but not as scared as I used to be when this would happen. Of the millions of times friends have threatened self-harm, only one has successfully died by his own hand. I mean, other than the one who crashed his car, and also excluding my Aunt. So the odds are hypothetically good that tomorrow morning no one I know will be dead.

And then I remember that someone attempts suicide every 39 seconds. Statistically speaking, there went anoter one... and another. So between the fact that people I know seem to CONSTANTLY be on the brink of death but seldom actually die, and the fact that I've been typing for 39 seconds and so someone, somewhere just attempted suicide, what do you think? When I wake up tomorrow, who will be alive and who will not?

I know that's a very melancholy, melodramatic thought, but I'm not too depressed. I think I'm finally getting desensitized to this shit. I'm still upset, but I'm not freaking out. I really just kind of want a cigarette and some chocolate ice cream, which translates to me feeling normal.

Anyway, to whomever may be reading this right now, I have this to say:

Was that too subtle? A bit selfish, I will admit, but if you won't stay alive for your own sake, will you at least do it for mine?

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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