2005-01-13 - 3:29 p.m.


I realized I had been working on my novel for about four hours. I further realized that this obsessive streak had caused me to neglect basic bodily functions. I realized I was hungry as hell and needed to pee. I did. Now I'm further coming up for air. Getting online- getting out of my little literary bubble. I was prompted to do this after Jason called and he was like "how are you?" and I replied "great, but I'm worried because I just had Simpson rushed to the hospital and August is there too but I don't know what they'll do next." He was confused until he reailized I was talking about made-up story characters. I think I treat them like they're too real sometimes. If I start talking about them like they're present, then you should worry.

One further thought:
Why the hell is there no pie in this apartment?

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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