2005-02-04 - 10:37 p.m.


Yaaay! Jason finally has the internet again, abeit breifly. I'm so excited. We can e-mail and instant message and all that stuff. It's so much cheaper than the phone bills we could be racking up. Speaking of which, I should have paid that damn thing by now... but whatever. Is it a bad sign that I can't remember when it's due? Probably, but since it's a Friday night I am at peace with my sporadic irresponsibility. As they say, I a'int doin' nuthin tonight. I've been online for a while, had a glass or two of wine, listened to music, read some news, made a pie, ate some pie, played with my fuzzy wuzzy kitty... yup, that's about it. Oh, and I IMed with Casey for a few hours. It was good talking to the crazy bastard one-on-one again. He's so damn weird, but that describes all my friends. No, Casey is an impossibly nice guy, but his problem is that he loves the ladies but hates sex. He has so much self-loathing about basic human desires... the way he talks I can't help but wonder if he was molested as a child or something. I don't ask though because that's a really, really personal question, and I'm pretty sure the answer would be no anyway. Much of his neurosis seems to have no nexus, so why should this be different? I'm just always grasping for one big straw that would explain him concisely, but one does not seem to exist.

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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