2005-01-22 - 5:02 p.m.

marilyn manson sex dream

I'm running a fever of 101.5, but since I'm melodramatic and prone to whining, Im going to round that up to 102. That's a high temperature. I just took some more generic acetomenophen, so I should feel better soon, but I'm still a few notches over the "delirious" line. My cough syrup imbibing is probably contributing to that.

So I'm fevered, a bit wacked out, and we all know I'm prone to weird-ass dreams anyway. I took a nap earlier and had a dream where I was having sex with Marilyn Manson. It was actually more sexy and less creepy than you'd think. Still, that will deffinately be the new champion in my "weirdest dream sex" category.

I also can't figure out why I feel so naughty even though I'm sick as a dog. Most peculiar.

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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