2005-03-26 - 12:23 p.m.


Well, it's that time of day when I begin contemplating lunch. So I go to the fridge to get something...
And I realize that this may require some creativity. You see, my fridge contains the following items and nothing but the following items:
Half a jar of raspberry preserves
Mozerella cheese
Grape Juice
5 almost deffinitely rotten eggs
6 almost deffinitely still edible eggs
3 Apple flavored wine coolers
Half a can of creamed corn
Some salsa
Rancid penut butter (good God- why is that shit still in there? I bought that when I moved in back in August and it got funky within two months. Why do I keep not throwing it out?)
2.5 sticks of low-quality margerine
A bag of alarmingly squishy (read: probably inedible) carrots

Now I need to eat lunch, but I can't think of any palatable meal I can make with what I have. If you can concieve a recipe using these and only these ingredients, by all means- tell me, because I'm at a loss here. I mean, unless there's a possiblility of a creamed corn omlette not tasting like ass. Hmmm, then again, maybe that't the best idea I'll have all week.

Oh, but I should explain why I'm not doing the obvious and going over to the store to buy some food. You see, I have 3 dollars in my checking account and 2 dollars in cash in my wallet. While 5 dollars can get you all kinds of great edibles, I need that money for tonight. What am I doing that's so worthy of my last 5 bucks? In honor of tomorrow being Easter, one of the superflously hip theatres in Austin is showing "Last Temptation of Christ." If you know me, you know that's one of my favorite movies, and admission is only 5 bucks with student ID. Woo-hoo for student-hood. Of course, after that I shall be consumately broke, but don't worry- since tomorrow is Easter I'm going to be spending the day with my parents. Know what happens when I spend the day with my parents? That's right! They give me money! Yaaaayyy for the parental check-book! I know, I know, I am a bum and my parents put up with a lot from me. Such is the nature of being an unemployed college student. I'm still trying to get a job, but in a town which has a total population of 30,000 and a college that has an enrollment of 25,000, there are not enough part-time jobs to go around.
But think about that for a second- this town only has 5,000 residents who are NOT in college. I think this just might be the collegest college town in the country. Welcome to the animal house, my friends.

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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