2005-02-28 - 9:47 a.m.

high school yearboooks

Found a positively great idea on awittykitty's page.

Here goes: look at your old high school yearbook. Check out the quotes. Comment on them Let merriment ensue. Now I must apologize because unlike Witty, my yearbook is from 2000, not 1970-something, so it's not far enough in the past to have that charming, dated look. Honestly, in my pictures I'm wearing nothing but clothes that I still own. I never get rid of anything and have allways been such a fashion disaster that my questionable taste is really timeless. Also, unlike Witty, very few of my friends had nice, comcise quotes. They were largely on the Newspaper staff with me or in my creative writing class, so yeah- if you gave those people pens and they would gladly write you a novel. Thus, some of them have been edited for length or impertenance.

"Cogito Ergo Sum- Jonathan Restreppo."
This fellow is obviously a nerd. Last I heard he started a small fire in his Austin apartment and melted the sink, but that's a different story.

"Keep being a rebel and making your point clear. -Kara."
Yes, I will, thank you. Like this- Kara, your mom is a bitch. How was that for clarity? Oh, but Kara was a good friend in Jr. High, so I still like her- I just think her mom is a bitch. Because it's true.

"Emma- it's been real! I'm going to miss you in newspaper. Your depressed mornings, your feminist mornings, your I'm-a-bitch-who-knows-alot-of-big-words mornings... Ahhh, so many memories. I (heart) you you crazy nymphomaniac (that's scratched through on the page) I mean... uhhh... girl. Don't worry, you'll change the world. Either with your witty humor or great boobs (boobs also scratched out but still visible) I mean, uhh... charm. (heart) always, Jenny."
I don't even know how to begin to comment on that one.

"Hello Emma, So I guess it's kinda weird that I don't really have any far reached memories with you because I've only started hanging out with you this year, but it's fun being your personal therapist at Jitters, and it's fun having you in creative writing and it's fun having you argue with Clint in Government. And when you go too that women's college 5 hours awway, I hope you'll have a goood time converting all that high lesbian energy into art. Have fun, I'll miss you!!!!- Janine."
Okay, first thought: why did everyone in high school think I was gay? Second comment- arguing with Clint in gov.- he was a republican and I was about two clicks away from Green Party but too pessimistic to vote for Nader. Not that I could vote anyway, I just missed the cut off and was still 17. What's funny is that now he's so left-wing he makes Michael Moore look conservative and I've gotten more moderate. But whatever.

"Emma- what the hell can I say, man? I never know what to expect out of you. And not just in the conventional sense. Everytime I think you are going over-the-top-hippe you come back with total conformity. What the hell man? Anyway, I'm gonna miss your crazy ass. I'll see you somewhere down the road and I won't be surprised if you are a man-hating super feminist Nazi lesbian deep down.- Jay."
Once again, WHY DID EVERYONE THINK I WAS GAY? Especially this boy- he was my co-editor on the newspaper (and yes, I know I have a lot of typos in my blog for a former editor- deal with it) as well as a good friend, and by the time this was written it was abundantly clear to EVERYONE that I had a huge thing for him. But he blew me off for that girl who said she liked my boobs a few quotes back. Then he got drunk at a party and punched her in the face. Then 2 years ago we were drunk at a party and he asked me if I wanted to go to the bedroom, but by then that ship had sailed. More recently I found out that the reason he threw up so much was that he was born with no esophagus. It's a very rare disorder. And on a final note, he's the one that got me started smoking menthol cigarettes. Thanks a lot, Jay.

"Emma- Hey you sexy bitch! J/K! Hope you had a really fun senior year. Sorry about Ryan tormenting you this whole year in creative writing. You should have so much fun in college since you finally get out of Wimberley! It's not FAIR!!! Love, Bethany. P.S. HAVE A WONDERFUL LIFE WITH CHONKO."
Okay, for starters, Chonko and I have been broken up for 2 years now. Second, after one semester at the "lesbian women's college" I came back to Wimberley and lived with my parents for 2 years- not a victory. And finally, Ryan tormented me in creative writing because he had a huge crush on me but I always picked Jay to be my editing buddy and doodled pictures of him in my notebooks. Ryan got mad at me for liking Jay and not him, and he was already mad because my best friend Amy had spurned him as well. Last I heard he date raped a girl named Ashley and was charged with animal cruelty for beating a puppy. And no, I am not making this up. And yeah, until senior year he was one of my best friends in the world- never would have thought he would turn out like that. With that in mind, let's read his quote:

"Emma- Ive tortured your ass through Junior High and now I hate you even more. I hope you have a life full of disapointments and marry someone you hate. Love, Ryan. P.S. Contact me if you ever get famous."
And no, I am not making that up.

But I'm afraid that's about all I have- there were more quotes on another page but I tore it out. I couldn't stand it because there was a quote from Jon Fair about how we would conquer the art world together and be such badasses and he'd always be right by my side. And if you've been reading my blog long enough, you know that that's the same guy who hanged himself in a field last February. Naturally, this upset me a bit, and I didn't want to see something he wrote in the past about a future that no longer exists for him. Oh, yeah, but he was gay all along and I was straight, but everyone seemed to think the opposite about both of us. What gives?

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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