2005-02-22 - 9:10 a.m.

Too early for Metals

Mwahaha! Victory! I've been hitting the "reload" button for several minutes now and getting that stupid "our servers are stressed out and tired so why don't you get a Gold membership" message from Diaryland. I shout back at my computer "because I have 57 cents in my checking account! That's why I don't have a Gold membership, dammit! 2 bucks a month- bah." Annnyway, I'm not in class right now. I have Metals at 8, but for some reason when i went to bed at 2 setting my alarm clock for 8 made sense, despite the fact that doing so would not give me my requisite couple hours to sit around, drinking coffee, checking the internet and generally re-entering the land of the living. I'm a slow waker-upper, and going to Metals not fully awake is high on a list of "dumb things to do." Then again, signing up for an 8 a.m. Metals class was dumb too. The very existence of an 8 a.m. Metals class is stupid- I may have said this already, but who thought "I know! Let's get a bunch of half-awake and still drunk and/or stoned art majors together in a big room and give them a lot of pointy, burny and caustic stuff!"? Besides that, I got a lot of work on my projects done this weekend. I got a little saw and set up a metals studio on the balcony. I work better when other people aren't looking over my shoulder anyway.

Hmmm, coming up on 9:30 now- I better wake up Jason now so he doesn't miss class too. Speaking of which, that's why I was up till 2. Jason and I got into a conversation about whether Jesus' resurection was to be understood in a literal sense or not. Was Jesus, as John Dominic Crosson suggests, left on the cross and eaten by the wild dogs? Or did he really, physically get "taken up?" This is the kind of drawn out conversation you too can have if you fall in love with a religous scholar.

Okay, project "Wake up Jason" has been temporarily aborted. I shook him and he groaned and said "Do I hafta go? I don't wanna." My boy is fighting this whole "morning" thing, so I'm gonna let him- for about 10 minutes. I'm a girlfriend with a snooze button.

But crap, I need to get ready if I'm going to Medern Art history at 11 (which I am). All this school stuff is getting in the way of my college experience.

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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