2005-02-03 - 5:51 a.m.

more earliness

So I get on AIM, just to check the away messages other people left before they went to sleep for the night. I see that one of my friends is online, and think about sending him the concise message "Are you insane? It's 5 a.m. What the fuck are you doing online?" Then I remember that it's the pot calling the kettle black and decide not to do it. Of course, I do have a point... mmm- if only that point was a donut... it would go so well with my coffee.

But seriously, all ungodly earliness aside, I'm in a pretty terrific mood. I got a message (with a middle of the night time-stamp, no less) announcing that Dr. Housefield's wife has gone into labor and there will be no class today. Hurrah! Of course the downside is that his is my 11 o'clock class. My 8 o'clock is still meeting. Still meeting and still expecting me to turn in stuff I need to be working on right this second. Does this shit never end?

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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