2005-02-03 - 9:37 p.m.

my personality type

From the site that told me my personality type based on the Myers Briggs test: Well, for starters I'm an ENTP, and they said this of my type-
"Things to be on guard for: you have a great fear of looking dumb or incomp- etent..you may tend to think you have the perfect solutions for problems, and may become competitive when others challenge you... you might start to think that you're the only one who's in on the truth of things, so you might not like to listen to the input of others...you may have the tendency to overextend yourself as you jump in on lots of ideas without considering how long it takes to work 'em through... commit to too many projects? ...you are a rebel.. you find it difficult to accept standard operating procedures.. and hate HAVING to follow exact rules or policies...learn to work within the system.

ENTP: "Each New Thought Propels"

Wow- pretty damn right on.

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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