2005-01-30 - 1:37 p.m.

relax, don't do it

Okay, we all know that the Frankie Goes to Hollywood song "Relax" is naughty. It tells you not to do it, when you wanna come. Now here's my question: has anyone ever listened to this while having sex? Probably not, but I find the idea funny, like "I'm sorry I can't go more than a minute, honey, let's put on Frankie so I can remember not to come so fast." It's a goofy notion, but I know that listening to that while doin' it would be a big turn off- thus, the song could concievably do what it was intended to- keep you from coming.

Haha, I'm so wrong... oh what goes on in my little mind... well, if I may drift a little further into TMI territory, this one is for the guys out there:
Yes, being able to "go long" is great. However, you are not always expected to last an hour or whatever. Don't worry. There's a lot to be said for a quickie. Seriously, I'm kind of flattered when you're not able to last- like "wow, I'm that damn sexy that he can't contain himself." Even if this is not true, let me cling to my illusion.

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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