2005-01-26 - 8:35 a.m.

yellow ribbon ethics

Lets talk about two wrongs making a right, shall we? I was just out on my balcony, petting my fuzzy wuzzy kitty when I noticed that Stupid Joe has been stealing those yellow ribbons everyone has on their cars again. I knew he idd it a little, but now there are about 20 on his car. He's arranged them like a racing strip over the hood and top and then back down the trunk. Funny, but wrong. So then I think "why don't I steal some of his and write subversive messages on them and then give them to friends or stick them on unsuspecting people's cars. Is that ethical? It's so hard being a mad at society type while still worrying about ethics.

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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