2005-01-08 - 8:51 p.m.

Art history

Okay, so the new semester begins in (one second- gotta check the calender) nine days. And five days ago I recieved my first e-mail from Dr. Housefield. I was letting it languish in my in-box until tonight, when I finally broke down and read it. Housefield writes like the subject at hand is both the best and most important news you've ever recieved. Capital letters and exclamation points predominate. And yet, remarkably, this isn't what bothers me about him. The reason I don't much care for the fellow is that I'm still bitter from my experiences with *shudder* group work in previous classes I've had with him. Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy with a good grasp of his subject (that would be Art History, for those of you with no clue what I'm talking about) but I absolutely can't stand his insistence that we rely so much on our peers. Being in the art department, there's a profusion of apathetic studio majors and com-des sellouts. Thus, the people who care about art don't work, and the people who are willing to work don't really care about art. It's funny- I love art so much, but I bristle so much at the people in my department. I'm aware that if I ride this academic pony as far as it will go, I'll wind up teaching these kids. I just hope I can get through to them and squelch my disdain. That's my greatest sin- I'm not proud- just disdainful!

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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