2004-12-29 - 7:06 p.m.


I'm presently listening to NPR. An impossibly clever comentator just pointed out that Christmas makes everyone even more like they are. The good dad goes the extra mile and becomes the really good dad... that was the comentator's example. I find it true in my own life, but not in such a merry way. For example, Jason's usually bitchy aunt turns pure evil. This year she had agreed to cook the whole meal, but at about 11 a.m (way too late to start a turkey). she threw a tantrum and not only refused to cook, but refused to eat or speak with the rest of the family. She went home, and a few hours later, her boyfriend came back to demand any presents she had coming to her. Tacky. Or the way that at Christmas I transition from being sort of bitter and mad at society to being really bitter and mad at society. Think about it.

The last thing I wrote before this thing. The next thing I wrote after this.

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